There's an install theme and it's hella dorky but also INCREDIBLY hype because I dunno I like chuuni stuff like that. Gameplay's fine, most the characters are enjoyable (besides Nana holy ♥♥♥♥ I hate you so much) and the music is VERY VERY GOOD if a bit cheesy at times. It's a mess, moreso because it's a poor port more than anything: there's some issues where music will break, and multiplayer will simply crash with more than two people. Fights are fast paced, part breaks feel good, and you can grief the ♥♥♥♥ out of your friends with spread shot (shotgun) by blowing them ten feet into the air, everything you could ask for.

If you're not familiar with God Eater as a series at all, imagine Monster Hunter but with a much more arcade-style feel in mind and a very anime backing plot. So, this one's a bit of a mixed bag yeah? I mostly recommend this for when it's on sale, because it often goes on sale, and <$10 is honestly incredibly worth it for what you'll get out of the game(s). If you've wanted to try this game but the mention of the bug is throwing you off, please give it a try, the bug just means you get to play some missions twice, or thrice at most which is hardly a problem if you're having fun.
I will update the review if either of those scenarios end up being game breaking. I should mention at this point that I've finished the game myself already and I'm currently playing with a party of three in God Eater 1, however now that I know what the bug is mostly like I am going to try to get another friend to try four person co-op in both games.

The worst I've seen the bug was when it did it just before an important story cutscene, so the host just had to not talk about it until we the rest of the party finished the mission a couple minutes afterwards. It is true that the game will sometimes throw an infinite loading screen at a multiplayer squad but it's nowhere near enough to justify me not recommending the games. While there are many reviews mentioning what I had perceived as a game breaking bug in multiplayer that is simply not the case. God Eater 1 and 2 feel fantastic to play, and have an enjoyable storyline with engaging (and sometimes funny) world building.